Sunday, September 20, 2009

Are we there yet?

You would think with today's technology that is available to children for long car rides they wouldn't be so tempted to say "Are we there yet?" "How much longer?" "The dog keeps breathing on me!", but I guess that is just wishful thinking! I will give my son credit that he doesn't say he needs to stop and go pee every five minutes, currently that phrase belongs to me! I'm just not sure what is worse right now, the pain in my back from sitting in the car or the pain in my head from the moans and groans from the back seat!
The baby shower this weekend went very well which is helping me ease my mind now that we have more of the essentials that we need for the arrival of the baby. My son appeared to have a great time taking on his first role as a big brother by opening up the gifts for me! My husband's family did a fantastic job planning and organizing the event for me, I am very lucky to have married into such a kind loving family.
Now that I am home and finally getting a chance to relax I am starting to feel like a bit of a hypocrite, I am feeling like my son does on the long drive. All I find myself thinking and saying is "Am I in labor yet?" "Is it my due date yet?" "The baby won't stop kicking me!". Maybe I should start feeling sorry for my husband since he is the one who has to listen to me and our son moan and groan... remember, I said maybe!

1 comment:

  1. It always feels like it takes too long to have the baby & then we miss the feeling of being pregnant a few years later. Have courage. I know you'll make it through & be a great mom again, like you have for your son!
